Week 11 - Trees

I chose to delay the tree challenge until this week due to an upcoming event that would just be to perfect for this challenge.

This weekend was the almond blossom festival near where we live. My wife and I try to go every year. The delicious wine, food, and gorgeous almond trees in bloom make for a perfect day trip.

The day arrived and the weather forecast was VERY worrying. We decided to risk it!

The weather ended up being very chaotic. Perfect sunshine for 10 minutes, crazy storm for 10 minutes, repeat.

My wife and I didn't even need to order our usual Weinschorle, the rain took care of the dilution on its own.

One of my favorite things to look for at the festival is the younger almond trees. I think they epitomize spring arriving. They have the lovely balance of flowers and the fresh green leaves that look nice together. The older trees tend to not have as nice of a balance, at least from what I noticed.

Not much else to say, my wife and I had a great day and I came away with a lovely picture of a young almond tree.


Week Twelve - Spring, Fresh, and New to You


Week 10 - Close Up